
DM, DE Flow Meters


Flow meters
Flow meters DM and DE measure the gas and air volumes onconsumer equipment. They are typically used for the internalbilling of consumption in industrial installations, laboratoriesand test rigs, and in particular for checking and adjustingburners in gas-using equipment. The gas flow rate can bechecked in production and heating processes, thus allowingenergy utilization to be optimized. DM Flow meter DM isequipped with a 7-digit mechanical index and can be used inpotentially explosive atmospheres. DE Flow meter DE has anelectronic index and is equipped with a 7-digit LCD display.Various recorded values can be retrieved, e.g. the current flowrate. The DE is also equipped with M-BUS interfaces. Inaddition, it is compatible with the optical interface ZVEI.

  • Flow meters for gas with short,compact aluminium housing
  • Measurement of the current flowrate (DE) and the quantity consumed(DM, DE)
  • M-BUS interface (DE)
  • Large measuring range
  • Little servicing required
  • EC type-tested and certified
  • Certification: CE

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