ASV Manual Valve Lock
Manual Valves and FiltersManual Valve Lock Manual Valves Locking Device The locking device ASV can be fitted without the need for tools.For this purpose, no changes are to be made to the manualvalve. It can be locked in the open or closed position using apadlock (not included...
AKT Manual Valve
Manual Valves and FiltersAKT Manual Valve For isolation of light and heavy fuel oil, water and all gases toDVGW Code of Practice G 260/I and air. AKT..R with internalthread, AKT..F with flange and AKT..T with NPT thread.
- Any installation position
- Low torque design for ease of actionby means of Teflon seals
- AKT..R, AKT..F: EC type-tested andcertified
- Certification: EAC, CE
AKT..TAS Manual Valves With Thermal Equipment Trip
Manual Valves and FiltersManual Valves With Thermal Equipment Trip Thermal equipment trips can be used in industrial andcommercial installations, upstream of gas inlet systems, at gascooker points, instantaneous water heaters and gas boilers. Inthe event of fire, they isolate...
- Isolate the gas pipeline in the eventof a fire
- High thermal capacity
- AKT..TAS: two fittings in one housing
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: CE
GFK Gas Filters
Manual Valves and FiltersGas Filter Suitable for filtration of the fuel gas and combustion air supplyto all gas consuming appliances.
- For the protection of downstreamdevices against blockage
- Very high throughput
- High purification efficiency
- Long service life
- Easy-to-replace filter pad
- Certification: EAC, CE
J78R, 60DJ Z Pressure Regulators for Gas
Pressure RegulatorsPressure Regulators for Gas For controlling the pressure of the gas or air supply to gasburners and gas appliances. An optional connection for pilotgas lines or pressure test points is available for the inlet of theJ78R. The pressure regulators comply...
- Pressure regulators for gaseousmedia for installation in all types of gasappliances
- Inlet pressure compensationdiaphragm in J78R ensures high controlaccuracy
- Breather line is not required
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: CE
Pressure Regulators for Gas
Pressure RegulatorsPressure Regulators for Gas The spring-loaded gas pressure regulator GDJ with inletpressure compensation diaphragm and zero shut-off serves tomaintain the set outlet pressure constant despite changing gasflow rates and inlet pressures in gas pipelines....
- Universal pressure regulator forgaseous media
- Design with inlet pressurecompensation diaphragm ensures highcontrol accuracy
- Internal impulse
- Feedforwarding the furnace chamberpressure is possible
- No breather line required
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: EAC, CE
VGBF Pressure Regulators for Gas
Pressure RegulatorsPressure Regulators for Gas The spring-loaded gas pressure regulator VGBF with inletpressure compensation diaphragm and zero shutoff serves tomaintain the set outlet pressure constant despite changing gasflow rates and inlet pressures in gas pipelines....
- Pressure regulators for gaseousmedia for installation in all types of gasappliances
- Design with inlet pressurecompensation diaphragm ensures highcontrol accuracy
- High flow rate due to optimaldimensioning
- Internal impulse on VGBF..05
- Feedforwarding the furnace chamberpressure is possible
- No breather line required
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: EAC, CE
JSAV Safety Shut-off Valves
Pressure RegulatorsSafety Shut-off Valves “Controls which are connected downstream of a gas pressureregulator are secured against excess gas pressure. If therequired operating conditions are not met, the gas supply isshut off. A safety shut-off valve is required in...
- For positive pressure with over-pressure shut-off
- DN 25, DN 40: with under-pressureshut-off
- Large adjusting range for trippressure
- DN 25, DN 40: no purge linerequired
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: EAC, CE
- Relief valve
- Relief valve
VSBV Relief valve
Pressure RegulatorsRelief valve Relief valve for relieving brief pressure surges in controlsystems thus preventing the safety shut-off valve JSAV frombeing activated unintentionally. The VSBV reduces too high apressure increase due to gas creeps which are the result of...
- For gaseous media
- Inlet pressure range up to 4 bar
- Adjustable opening pressure 20 –500 mbar
- Certification: EAC, CE
VAR Relief Regulator
Pressure RegulatorsVAR Circulation pressure control and relief regulators Relief regulator VAR is suitable for maintaining constantpressures in gas appliances or for relieving brief pressuresurges in control systems. By using the VAR, inadmissibly highpressures in vessels...
- Circulation pressure control andrelief regulator for gaseous media in alltypes of gas appliances
- High flow rate due to optimaldimensioning
- No purge line required
- Internal bypass
- Certification: GOST-TR
GIK, GIK..B Air/Gas Ratio Controls
Pressure RegulatorsAir/gas ratio controls Air/gas ratio controls GIK with inlet pressure compensationdiaphragm and zero shut-off serve to maintain a constantgas/air ratio and to control the gas pressure upstream of gasburners in systems without preheated combustion air....
- To maintain a constant gas/airmixture
- For continuous and staged burnercontrol
- Design with inlet pressurecompensation diaphragm ensures highcontrol accuracy
- Wide control range
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: EAC, CE
GIKH Variable Air/Gas Ratio Controls
Pressure RegulatorsVariable air/gas ratio controls The variable air/gas ratio control GIKH serves to maintain aconstant gas/air pressure ratio and to control the gas pressurein systems using a recuperative air preheating system. Whenthe burner capacity is changed and with...
- For maintaining a constant mixtureof gas and air on systems usingpreheated air
- Design with inlet pressurecompensation diaphragm ensures highcontrol accuracy
- Adjustment of the gas flow to the airflow that varies due to the heating ofthe combustion air
- Variable air/gas ratio controls withdifferential pressure measuring unit forthe control pressure
- Wide control range
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: EAC, CE
VAS, VCS Solenoid Valf
Valves and Butterfly ValvesSolenoid valves for gas Solenoid valves for gas VAS and double solenoid valves VCS forsafeguarding and controlling the air and gas supply to gasburners and gas appliances. For use in gas control and safetysystems in all sectors of the iron, steel, glass...
- Suitable for a max. inlet pressure of500 mbar (7 psig)
- Easy installation into a system
- Compact design saves space
- No extra valve required owing tointegrated flow adjustment
- Check indication by blue LED
- Proof of closure switch withintegrated visual position indicator
- Suitable for high-duty cycling
- Certification: SiL, PL, FM,CSA, UL,EAC, CE
Valves and Butterfly ValvesPressure regulators with solenoid valve Regulators with solenoid valves are designed for shutoff, andthanks to the servo technology, for precise control of the gassupply to gas burners and gas appliances. They are used in gascontrol and safety systems...
- All-purpose servo regulator forgaseous media with integrated safetyvalve
- Suitable for a max. inlet pressure of500 mbar (7 psig)
- Minimum installation effort: noexternal impulse line required
- Setting options from two sides
- Certification: EAC, CE
DG..C Gas pressure switches
Valves and Butterfly ValvesGas pressure switches DG..C monitors the increasing or decreasing positive pressureof natural gas, town gas, LPG, flue gas, biologically producedmethane and air e.g. on a gas control line. If the gas pressureeither exceeds or falls short of a set switching...
- Little space required thanks tocompact dimensions
- Double pressure switch for minimumand maximum gas pressure monitoringin one unit
- Customized versions with fixedswitching points can be supplied byagreement
- Several connection facilities usingvarious lower sections
- Available with sealant-coatedexternal thread
- Certification: SIL 3, PL e, EAC, CE,AGA, FM, UL, UR
VBY Bypass or pilot gas valves
Valves and Butterfly ValvesVBY 8 for automatic shut-off of a bypass or pilot gas volume ongas or air appliances. VBY is suitable for mounting on gassolenoid valve VAS 1 and double solenoid valve VCS 1.
- Certification: EAC, CE, AGA
VMV Fine-adjusting valve
Valves and Butterfly ValvesFine-adjusting valve Fine-adjusting valve VMV for presetting the gas and air flowrate to gas burners or gas appliances. For use in gas controland safety systems in all sectors of the iron, steel, glass andceramics industries, and also in commercial heat...
- Precise setting via a slide valveoptimized for linear flow
- Tamper-proof thanks to self-lockingthread
- Easy installation into a system inconjunction with valVario valves andregulators
- Certification: EAC, CE
VMF Filter module
Valves and Butterfly ValvesFilter module The filter module VMF is designed for cleaning the gas and airflow to gas burners or gas appliances. It is suitable for use ingas control and safety systems in all sectors of the iron, steel,glass and ceramics industries, and also in all...
- Safe gas cleaning using filter padand strainer
- Easy installation into a system inconjunction with valVario valves andregulators
- Installation in any position, even withoptional pressure switch
- Certification: EAC, CE
VMO Measuring orifice
Valves and Butterfly ValvesMeasuring orifice The valVario measuring orifice VMO is installed in gas controland safety systems, as well as in air systems used in industrialand commercial gas heat generation. It can serve as arestricting orifice when used in conjunction with valVario...
- For use as a measuring or restrictingorifice
- Can be combined with valVariovalves and regulators
- Air and gas flow rate diagrams tofacilitate configuration
- Easy installation thanks to flangeswith internal thread
- Replaceable aluminium washers foroptimal adjustment to local operatingconditions
- Certification: CE
VGP Solenoid valves for gas
Valves and Butterfly ValvesSolenoid valves for gas Gas solenoid valves VGP for safeguarding and controlling theair and gas supply to gas burners and gas appliances. For use ingas control and safety systems in industrial and commercialheat generation, such as the foodstuffs and...
- Safety valves for gas
- Compact design saves space
- Low power consumption
- Simplified equipment saves costs
- Certification: CE, AGA, GOST-TR
VG Solenoid valves for gas
Valves and Butterfly ValvesSolenoid valves for gas Robust gas solenoid valves VG for safeguarding and controllingthe air and gas supply to gas burners and gas appliances. Forheavy duty use in gas control and safety systems in industrialheat generation.
- Safety valves for gas
- Quick or slow opening withadjustable start gas rate
- Flow rate can be restricted
- Robust design for a long service life
- Suitable for high-duty cycling
- Certification: CE, AGA
VAN Magnetic relief valve
Valves and Butterfly ValvesMagnetic relief valve The magnetic relief valve VAN is designed to monitor gasvalves for tightness used in conjunction with a visual dischargeunit. It enables the purging of excess or leakage gas. Themagnetic relief valve VAN is open when it is de-energized....
- Open when de-energized
- Connection flanges for pipes up toDN 50
- Suitable for a maximum inletpressure of 500 mbar (7 psig)
- Space-saving installation thanks tocompact dimensions
- Quick closing, quick opening
- Check indication by blue LED
- Closed position switch with visualposition indicator
- Certification: EAC, CE, AGA
VK Motorized valves for gas
Valves and Butterfly ValvesMotorized valves for gas Robust motorized valves for gas VK for safeguarding andcontrolling the air and gas supply to gas burners and gasappliances. For heavy-duty use in gas control and safetysystems in industrial heat generation. When a position indicatoris...
- Safety valves for gas
- Flow rate can be restricted
- Robust design for a long service life
- Energy-saving thanks to automaticmotor shut-off
- Explosion-proof version available
- One- or two-stage, available withposition indicator
- Certification: EAC, CE, AGA
TC 1, TC 2,TC 3, (TC410) Tightness controls
Valves and Butterfly ValvesTightness controls The tightness control TC checks the fail-safe function of bothvalves before each start-up or after each shutdown of a systemwith two safety valves. The aim is to identify an inadmissibleleak on one of the gas valves and to prevent burner...
- Adjustable test period which can beadapted to different systems
- Adjustable test instant allows quicksystem start
- Maximum safety thanks to self-monitoring electronics
- Certification: SIL 3, PL e, EAC, CE
VFC, IFC Linear flow controls with actuator
Valves and Butterfly ValvesLinear flow controls with actuator The IFC is composed of linear flow control VFC and actuator IC20 or IC 40. It is designed to adjust volumes of gas and cold airon various appliances. The IFC is designed for control ratios upto 25:1 and is suitable for...
- Linear relationship betweenadjustment angle and flow rate
- Large control ratio of 25:1
- Actuators IC 20 or IC 40 mounteddirectly
- Actuator IC 30 (24 V DC) can bemounted
- For gas and air
- Low leakage rates
- High control accuracy
- Certification: EAC, CE
Valves and Butterfly ValvesButterfly valves with actuator The butterfly valves are designed to adjust volumes of gas, coldand hot air and flue gas on various appliances and flue gaslines. They are designed for control ratios up to 1:10, and withthe mounted actuator they are suitable...
- For gas, air, hot air and flue gas
- Low leakage rate and pressure loss
- High control accuracy
- BVG, BVGF, BVA, BVAF, IBG, IBGF, IBAor IBAF with reduced nominal diameters
- Butterfly valves available withmounted actuator
- Suitable for intermittent operation
- BVGF, BVAF, IBGF, IBAF workclearance-free
- Low-maintenance operation
- BVHR can be used in temperaturesof up to 550°C
- Certification: EAC, CE
IC 20, IC30, IC 50
Valves and Butterfly ValvesActuators The actuators are designed for all applications that requireprecise, controlled rotary movement between 0° and 90°. In Inconjunction with a control element, they are suitable forregulating flow rates on gas and air appliances for modulatingor...
- Easy to switch between Automaticand Manual mode
- Position indicator that can be readexternally
- Three-point step control
- IC 20..E and IC 50..E also forcontinuous control
- IC 20..E, IC 50..E with electronicpositioning function
- IC 20 and IC 50 can be deliveredready installed on control element
- IC 20, IC 50: adjustable motorbehaviour in the event of cablediscontinuity, for example
- Certification: EAC, CE
IC 40 Actuators
Valves and Butterfly ValvesActuators Actuator IC 40 is designed for all applications that requireprecise, controlled rotary movement between 0° and 90°. It canbe mounted directly onto the butterfly valves BVG, BVGF, BVA,BVAF, BVH, BVHS or linear flow control VFC in order to controlthe...
- For complex applications withprogrammable functions for flexibleadjustment to the process, with statisticsand fault history to support servicepersonnel
- Position indicator that can be readexternally
- Spacious connection chamber forease of installation
- Actuators can be delivered readyinstalled on butterfly valves BVG, BVGF,BVA, BVAF, BVH, BVHS or linear flowcontrol VFC
- Certification: EAC, CE, ANSI/CSA, UL
MB 7 Solenoid actuator
Valves and Butterfly ValvesSolenoid actuator The solenoid actuator MB 7 serves as a drive for the butterflyvalve BVHM. The unit made up of solenoid actuator MB 7 andbutterfly valve BVHM can be used for staged control ofindustrial installations in cold- or hotair operating mode.Solenoid...
- Robust design for a long service life
- Simple installation using fasteningset
- Valve disc position indicator
- Burner capacity adjustment byintegrated air volume control for low-fire and high-fire rate
- Suitable for intermittent operationdue to large number of operating cycles
- Certification: EAC, Ce
DKR, IDR Butterfly valves
Valves and Butterfly ValvesButterfly valves Butterfly valve DKR is designed to adjust volumes of hot air andflue gas on various appliances and flue gas lines. It can be usedfor a control ratio of up to 1:10. DKR..F: With the mountedactuator IC 50, butterfly valve DKR..F is suitable...
- For (hot) air and flue gas.
- Low leakage rate and pressure loss
- Wide range of nominal sizes DN 15 –500
- Simple installation thanks toclamping between standard flanges
- Pre-assembled combination ofactuator, attachment set and butterflyvalve
- Suitable for intermittent operation
- Low-maintenance operation
- Robust design for a long service life
- Certification: EAC
VR Solenoid valves for air
Valves and Butterfly ValvesSolenoid valves for air Robust solenoid valves for air VR for staged control ofindustrial burners in cold-air operating mode. For heavy dutyuse in industrial heat generation.
- Quick or slow opening and closing
- Flow rate can be restricted
- Robust design for a long service life
- Suitable for high-duty cycling
- Internal bypass orifice can beselected
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: CE, GOST-TR
DG..C Pressure switches for gas
Pressure Control Switches (Pressure Stats)Pressure switches for gas DG..C monitors the increasing or decreasing positive pressureof natural gas, town gas, LPG, flue gas, biologically producedmethane and air e.g. on a gas control line. If the gas pressureeither exceeds or falls short of a set...
- Little space required thanks tocompact dimensions
- Double pressure switch for minimumand maximum gas pressure monitoringin one unit
- Customized versions with fixedswitching points can be supplied byagreement
- Several connection facilities usingvarious lower sections
- Available with sealant-coatedexternal thread
- Certification: SIL 3, PL e, CE, EAC,AGA, FM, UL, UR
Pressure Control Switches (Pressure Stats)Pressure switches for gas The gas pressure switch DG monitors extremely low pressuredifferentials and triggers switch-on, switch-off or switch-overoperations if a set switching point is reached. The switchingpoint is adjustable via a hand wheel. It monitors...
- Monitoring of gas and air pressures(positive, negative and differentialpressures)
- With approved isolating amplifier forZone 1 and 2 hazardous areas
- DG..S: special version available forNH3 and O2
- Certification: SIL 3, PL e, CE, EAC,AGA, FM, UL, EN 1854 and class “S”
DL Pressure Switches For Air
Pressure Control Switches (Pressure Stats)Pressure switches for air Pressure switches for air DL can be used as positive pressureswitches, vacuum sensors or differential pressure switches forair, flue gas and other nonaggressive gases. They are notsuitable for fuel gases. They monitor extremely...
- Monitoring of air, flue gas and othernon-aggressive gases
- High switching point stability
- Switching point selection via handwheel or adjusting screw
- Screw terminals or AMP plugs forelectrical connections
- Flexible mounting options
RV, RVS Control Valve
Compact and Moduline DevicesControl valve RV Control valve with solenoid valve RVS The control valve RV is designed for regulating flow rates formodulating-controlled combustion processes on gas and airappliances which require a large control ratio of up to 100:1. Itis suitable...
- Large control ratio of 100:1
- High control accuracy
- Three-point step or continuouscontrol
- Easy to switch between Automaticand Manual mode
- Position feedback
- Position indicator that can be readexternally
- Certification: CE
FCU 500 Protective System Controls
Burner Control UnitsProtective system controls Protective system control FCU 500 is designed to monitor andcontrol central safety functions, e.g. gasmin., gasmax., airmin.,pre-purge, tightness test, high temperature operation or startenable for burner control units, in multiple...
- For monitoring and controllingcentral safety functions in multipleburner systems on industrial furnaces
- Valve proving system for a valvesystem leak tightness check (optional)
- Safety temperature monitor (STM) orsafety temperature limiter (STL)(optional)
- Long service life due to replaceablepower module for fail-safe outputs
- Visualization and adaptation to thespecific application via the PCprogramming and diagnostic softwareBCSoft to simplify logisticsmanagement”
- Certification: SIL, PL, EAC, CE, FM,CSA
- IFD 244
- Automatic burner control units
- Automatic burner
IFD 244 Automatic Burner Control Units
Burner Control UnitsAutomatic burner control units Automatic burner control unit IFD 244 ignites and monitors gasburners in continuous operation. As a result of its fullyelectronic design it reacts quickly to various processrequirements and is therefore also suitable for...
- For directly ignited burners of up to350 • kW in continuous operationpursuant to EN 746-2
- Continuous self-testing for faults
- Restart following flame failure
- Flame control with ionisation sensor
- Diverse installation possibilities viaholes or snap mechanism for DIN rail
- Space-saving installation on site withIFD 244..I with integrated ignition
- Display for program status and flamesignal intensity
- Certification: CE, FM
IFD 258
Burner Control UnitsAutomatic burner control units Automatic burner control unit IFD 258 ignites and monitorsdirectly ignited industrial gas burners of unlimited capacity. Asa result of its fully electronic design it reacts quickly to variousprocess requirements and is therefore...
- For directly ignited burners ofunlimited capacity in continuousoperation pursuant to EN 746-2
- Immediate fault lock-out or restartfollowing flame failure available as aswitchable function
- Flame control with UV sensor orionization sensor
- Space-saving installation on site withIFD 258..I with integrated ignition
- Display for program status and flamesignal intensity
- Certification: AGA, FM, CE, CSA,GOST-R
BCU 370
Burner Control UnitsBurner control unit The BCU 370 burner control unit controls, ignites and monitorsindustrial forced draught burners of unlimited capacity inintermittent or continuous operation. It can be used for directlyignited forced draught burners or forced draught...
- For modulating, forced draughtburners for gas of unlimited capacity inintermittent or continuous operation
- Control of fan and butterfly valve
- Simple system set-up thanks tooptional tightness control andintegrated ignition unit
- Easy start-up and maintenancethanks to Manual operating mode
- Optionally available with integratedfieldbus interface for simple wiring
- Certification: AGA, CSA, UL, FM, EAC,CE
BCU 570
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units Burner control unit BCU 570 controls, ignites and monitorsindustrial individual burners and forced draught burners ofunlimited capacity in intermittent or continuous operation. Itcan be used for directly ignited burners or burners...
- For monitoring and controllingmodulating individual burners andforced draught burners of unlimitedcapacity
- For directly ignited burners orburners ignited by a gas pilot inintermittent or continuous operation
- Perform safety functions inaccordance with EN 746-2 and EN 676
- Optionally with valve proving system
- Flexible range of applications due toparameterization possibilities
- Optional bus module for fieldbusconnection
- Certification: AGA, CSA, UR, FM, EAC,PL, SIL, CE
BCU 400.B1
Burner Control UnitsBurner control unit for PROFIBUS-DP BCU 460..B1, BCU 460..L..B1, BCU 465..L..B1 and BCU 480..B1correspond to the standard version in terms of their scope offunctions and performance and, in addition, they can beequipped for connection to the PROFIBUS-DP...
- Easy transmission of activationsignals and feedbacks via fieldbus cable
- Remote servicing and diagnosticsfacilities
- Saves installation and wiring costs
- Units can be exchanged during busmode operation thanks to industrialplug connector system (SUB-D)
- Bus interface remains in operationwhen BCU® is switched off (standbymode)
- Certification for PROFIBUS-DP
- Certification: AGA, CSA, FM, CE
BCU 440
Burner Control UnitsBurner control unit Burner control unit BCU 440 controls, ignites and monitors gasburners in Continuous operation. It can be used for directlyignited industrial burners of up to 350 kW. The BCU is installednear the burner to be monitored. The program...
- Automatic burner control unit,ignition transformer, indicators andoperating controls in a space-savingmetal housing which replaces the localburner control cabinet
- For directly ignited burners of up to350 kW in continuous operationpursuant to EN 746-2
- Display of the program status, unitparameters and flame signal; Manualmode for burner adjustment and fordiagnostic purposes
- Visualisation and adaptation to thespecific application via the PCprogramming and diagnostic softwareBCSoft to simplify logisticsmanagement.
- Certification: AGA, CSA, FM, EAC, PL,SIL, CE
BCU 460, BCU 465
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units The burner control units BCU 460 and BCU 465 control, igniteand monitor gas burners for intermittent or continuousoperation. As a result of their fully electronic design, they reactquickly to various process requirements and are thereforesuitable...
- Replaces the local control cabinet
- For burners in intermittent operationor in continuous operation
- Flame control by UV, ionization or afurther option of using the furnacechamber temperature
- Display of the program status, unitparameters and flame signal;
- Manual mode for burner adjustmentand for diagnostic purposes
- Visualization and adaptation to thespecific application via the
- Certification: CE, SIL, FM, CSA, EAC,AGA
BCU 480
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units The burner control units BCU 480 control, ignite and monitorgas burners for intermittent or continuous operation. As aresult of their fully electronic design, they react quickly tovarious process requirements and are therefore suitable...
- For pilot and main burners inintermittent or continuous operation
- Replace the local control cabinet
- Flame control by UV, ionization or afurther option of using the furnacechamber temperature
- Display of the program status, unitparameters and flame signal; Manualmode for burner adjustment and fordiagnostic purposes
- Certification: CE, PL, SIL, FM, CSA,EAC, AGA
BCU 400 Next Gen. (BCU 460,BCU 465)
Burner Control UnitsAutomatic burner control units Honeywell’s next-generation Kromschröder® BCU 4 Seriesburner controls – encompassing BCU 460, 465 and 480 models– feature modular, all-in-one designs that can be mountedclose to industrial burners to facilitate system...
- Modular, all-in-one design
- Compact housing
- Multi-functional
- Easy system integration
- High number of switching cycles
- IIoT-ready
- Reduced maintenance
- Worldwide approvals
BCU 560, BCU 565, BCU 580
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units Burner control units BCU 560 or BCU 565 control, ignite andmonitor gas burners in intermittent or continuous operation.They can be used for directly ignited industrial burners ofunlimited capacity. The burners may be modulating-controlledor...
- For monitoring and controllingmodulating or staged burners formultiple burner applications with acentral air supply
- For directly ignited burners ofunlimited capacity in intermittent orcontinuous operation
- Optionally with valve proving system
- Optionally with menox® operatingmode to reduce the formation ofthermal NOx
- PROFINET fieldbus connection usingoptional bus module
- Certification: FM, EAC, PL, SIL, CE
BCU 580
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units Burner control unit BCU 580 controls, ignites and monitors gasburners in intermittent or continuous operation. It can be usedfor gas burners of unlimited capacity which are ignited by pilotburners. The burners may be modulating-controlled...
- For monitoring and controllingmodulating or staged burners formultiple burner applications with acentral air supply
- For directly ignited burners orburners ignited by a pilot burner inintermittent or continuous operation
- Optionally with valve proving system
- PROFINET fieldbus connection usingoptional bus module
- Certification: CSA, FM, EAC, PL, SIL,CE
PFU 760
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units The burner control units PFU 760 control, ignite and monitorgas burners for intermittent or continuous operation.
- For directly ignited burners ofunlimited capacity in intermittentoperation or in continuous operationpursuant to EN 746-2
- Plug-in function unit for mounting in19″ module subracks
- Flame control by UV, ionization or afurther option of using the furnacechamber temperature
- Display of the program status, unitparameters and flame signal;
- Manual mode for burner adjustmentand for diagnostic purposes
- Visualization and adaptation to thespecific application via the PCprogramming and diagnostic softwareBCSoft to simplify logistics management
- Air valve control relieves the furnacecontrol
- Connection to PROFIBUS-DP via fieldbus interface PFA
- Certification: SIL, PL, CE, FM, AGA
PFU 780
Burner Control UnitsBurner control units The burner control units PFU 780 control, ignite and monitorgas burners for intermittent or continuous operation.
- For pilot and main burners ofunlimited capacity in thermoprocessingequipment pursuant to EN 746-2
- Separate flame control for pilotburner and main burner by UV,ionisation or a further option of usingthe furnace chamber temperature
- Display of the program status, unitparameters and flame signal; Manualmode for burner adjustment and fordiagnostic purposes
- Certification: SIL, PL, CE, FM, AGA
Burner Control UnitsField bus interface PFA Module subrack BGT The conventional wide-spread systems used in industrialfurnace and kiln construction require bridging of largedistances for signal processing. The field bus interface PFA isused in conjunction with the pre-wired...
- 19″ module for easy transmission ofactivation signals and feedbacks fromburner control units via fieldbus cable
- Remote maintenance anddiagnostics facilities
- Saves installation and wiring costs
- Units can be exchanged during busmode operation thanks to industrialplug connector system
- Bus interface remains in operationwhen PFA is switched off (standbymode)
- Certification for PROFIBUS DP
- Certification: CE, GOSSTANDART
Burner Control UnitsPower supply PFP Relay module PFR For supplying the control inputs of burner control units PFU,output rating: 24 V DC, 600 mA, mains voltage switchable from110/120 V AC to 220/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz.
Burner Control UnitsImpulse system MPT 19″ module for converting a controller signal to pulse cycles forgas burners. This intermittent operation circulates theatmosphere in the oven or kiln and thus achieves a uniformtemperature distribution and a shorter heat-up time...
- Energy saving
- High product quality
- Reduced pollutant emissions
- Single or two-zone operation
- For continuous controllers, three-point step controllers or manualoperation
- Linear ratio between controller signaland burner capacity
- High operating convenience
- Complies with the Low-VoltageDirective 73/23/EEC and the EMCDirective 89/336/EEC
- Certification: CE
Burner Control UnitsOperator-control unit OCU for FCU/BCU 5xx Operator-control unit OCU for connection to a unit of theFCU/BCU 5xx product series. Display of device status in plaintext, language can be changed, display of process values,statistics and unit parameters, control...
Certification: CSA, FM, SIL, PL, EAC
Burner Control UnitsBus module BCM 500 for FCU/BCU 5xx Bus module BCM 500 for connection of FCU/BCU 5xx units toan automation system, start, reset and capacity adjustment canbe controlled using the fieldbus. The current program status,the signal status of the inputs and...
Burner Control UnitsOpto-adapter for devices with optical interface “Opto-adapter for the diagnosis and parameterization of BCU,PFU and FCU as well as IC 40. Adapter with magnet holder forconnecting to the device interface. PCO 200 with USB 2.0interface.
Burner Control UnitsCombustion management system With the revolutionary integration of configurable safety andprogrammable logic, SLATE™ is easily customized for virtuallyany application in any industry, in less time and with far lesscomplexity. The universal I/O scheme...
- DIN rail mounting (modularplatform)
- On-board communicationscapabilities (Ethernet, ModbusRS485/TCP, BACnet)
- Intuitive diagnostics (touch display,PC or smart phone via web browser)
- Optimized energy efficiency (O2 trim,VFD control)
- On-board system guides
- Plain-text status displays
- Plug-and-play replacement(configurable modular concept)
- Easy data backup (USB flash drive,SD cards)
- Certification: CE, UL
Electrodes and Ignition TransformersIgnition transformers Ignition transformers TZI and TGI are designed for high-voltagespark ignition of gas burners and gasignited or directly ignitedoil burners.
- Electrical ignition of gas burners
- Ignition and burner control with asingle electrode possible
- TZI 7,5-20/33R complies with CSA
- Certification: CSA
Electrodes and Ignition TransformersIgnition and sensing electrodes The ignition and sensing electrodes FE and FZE are designedfor ignition and monitoring of gas burners. The ignition andsensing electrode FZE is available in various lengths, both withand without an insulator.
- For ignition and monitoring of gasburners
- Available in various lengths, bothwith and without an insulator
- Optionally available accessories
Electrodes and Ignition TransformersUV sensors For monitoring gas burners of unlimited capacity with orwithout fan, on hot-air furnaces, gas-fired boilers, industrialfurnaces and excess-gas flaring installations in conjunction withKromschröder automatic burner control units and burnercontrol...
- Virtually immune to interference dueto its insensitivity to daylight, infraredradiation and incandescent bulbs
- Maximum safety thanks toprotection against discontinuity orshort-circuit on the flame signal cable
- Suits industrial needs due to robustdesign
- Complies with the requirements ofEN 298 in conjunction withKromschröder automatic burner controlunits and burner control units
- Certification: CE, EAC
Electrodes and Ignition TransformersUV flame detector UVC 1 is used to monitor gas burners ofunlimited capacity with or without a fan. It can be used on hot-air furnaces, gas-fired boilers, industrial furnaces and excess-gas flaring installations. The gas burners can either be igniteddirectly...
- Enhanced flexibility thanks toadjustable switch-off threshold
- Virtually immune to interferenceduring operation due to its insensitivityto daylight, infrared radiation andincandescent bulbs
- High operational safety thanks toself-test
- For systems up to SIL 3 pursuant toEN 61508 and continuous operation toEN 298
- Certification: PL, SIL, CE
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersFor industrial furnaces and firing systems in the iron and steelindustries in the precious, nonferrous and light metal sector as wellas in the plastics, fibre and paper industries. Other fields ofapplication are thermal incineration installations, as...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 8
- Capacity range: 40 – 1000 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1600 ℃
- Max. combustion air: 450 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane,coke oven gas, LCV gas, biogas
- Technical information
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersFor industrial furnaces and firing systems in the iron and steelindustries in the precious, nonferrous and light metal sector as wellas in the plastics, fibre and paper industries. Burners BIC, BICA orZIC can also be used in thermal incineration installations,...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 8 (With TSCceramic tubes 22 differentcombinations possible)
- Capacity range: 15 – 1000 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1450 ℃
- Max. combustion air: 450 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane,coke oven gas, LCV gas, biogas
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersSpecial BIC variants which can be switched to Menox mode for ultralow NOX at furnace temperatures > 850°C/1560°F in conjunctionwith a special burner control unit. Key attributes Ultra low NOX thanks to flameless combustion. Single gasconnection,...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 35 – 360 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1250 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG(gaseous)coke oven gas; other gaseson request.
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersExcess air burner for all applications requiring precise temperaturecontrol and consistent product quality. The burner is perfectlydesigned for use in tunnel kilns and intermittent systems. Thanks tothe high excess air capability, variable flue gas temperatures...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 4
- Capacity range: 70 – 440 kW
- Turndown: 15:1
- Max. process temperature: 1450 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG (gaseous);other gases on request
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersThe annular excess air burner, comprising burner BIC or BICA,annular excess air burner housing RSG and two ceramic tubes TSC,is suitable for use in industrial kilns in the ceramics, pottery andenamel industries, particularly in highspeed kilns. Separatesecondary...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 4
- Capacity range: 15 – 360 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1450 ℃
- Max. combustion air: 450 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG (gaseous);other gases on request
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersFor industrial furnaces and firing systems in the metals industries(ferrous and non-ferrous) as well as the ceramics industry. Otherfields of application include thermal oxidizers (incineration) and avariety of drying processes. ThermJet is a direct fired,...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 14
- Capacity range: 40 – 5280 kW
- Turndown: 10:1 on ratio
- 50:1 with fixed air
- Max. process temperature: 1540 ℃
- Max. combustion air: 540 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG (gaseous);other gases on request
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersAll-purpose, high input industrial burner for use in open heatingsystems. Depending on the required furnace temperature, theburners are used in conjunction with a stainless steel combustionchamber (BAT) or a refractory concrete combustion chamber (BRT) Key...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 715 – 6400 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1540 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG(gaseous)coke oven gas; other gaseson request
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersThe ExtensoHeat lance burner is designed for firing zones ofcontinuous kilns for bricks, roof tiles and rough ceramic products. Itis ideal for rooftop installations and furnace zones with operatingtemperatures above 750 ºC (1382 ºF). The burner lance...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 1
- Capacity range: 132 kW
- Turndown: 6:1
- Max. process temperature: 1500 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG (gaseous);other gases on request
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersFor continuous high temperature applications (e.g.annealing/pickling lines) as well as noncontinuous applicationssuch as forge and heat treatment furnaces. Furnnox is a direct firedfurnace burner with exceptionally low emissions for continuoushigh-temperature...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 66 – 530 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1540 ℃
- Max. combustion air: 600 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Direct-Fired Furnace BurnersThe burners TriOx have been optimized for use in continuousfurnace systems. They can be switched to INVISIFLAME® mode forultra low NOX at a furnace temperature of > 870°C. Furthermore,variants which only operate in INVISIFLAME® mode are availablefor...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 700 – 7310 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1480 ℃
- Max. combustion air: TriOx 1:ambient temperature TriOx 2: 480 °C
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Recuperative and Radiant Tube BurnersThe burners with integrated recuperator ECOMAX® are used forheating on either direct or indirect furnace systems. ECOMAX® selfrecuperative burners are used in conjunction with metal or ceramicradiant tubes as indirect heating equipment whenever thecombustion...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 7
- Capacity range: 25 – 500 kW
- Turndown: 3:1
- Max. process temperature: 1300 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, LPG, LCV gas,coke oven gas
Recuperative and Radiant Tube BurnersTJSR is a direct fired, self recuperative burner that combines a highvelocity flame with fuel saving recuperation. A space-savingintegral eductor pulls the furnace exhaust through an internal SiCrecuperator. This can improve furnace efficiency by reducing...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 4
- Capacity range: 53 – 270 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1200 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas
Recuperative and Radiant Tube BurnersSER (Single Ended Radiant Tube Burner) is a Nozzle-mixing burnerwith a recuperator that is coaxially mounted inside a single endedradiant tube. Combustion air entering the SER burner is preheatedin the recuperative section by exhaust gases to provide...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 3 (4,5″-, 6″-, 8″borular)
- Capacity range: 37 – 80 kW
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1010 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas
Recuperative and Radiant Tube BurnersThe Tube Firing Burner (TFB) is designed to fire into radiant andimmersion tubes. The unique nozzle design creates a uniform,adjustable flame length. The long, spiraling flame results in cleanercombustion, efficient heat transfer and uniform tube temperatures.The...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 3
- Capacity range: 80 – 530 kW
- Turndown: 30:1
- Max. process temperature: 1040 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Recuperative and Radiant Tube BurnersThe Bayonet-Ultra Recuperator is a high efficiency heat exchangerdesigned to fit into the exhaust leg of single, U, W or Trident-typeradiant tubes. It is frequently paired with Eclipse Tube FiringBurners and is suitable for use with exhaust streams up...
- Type: Recuperator
- Number of sizes: 5 (3″- ila 8″ boru)
- Capacity range: 16 – 110 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1090 ℃
E-Jector FGR
Recuperative and Radiant Tube BurnersE-Jector is a flange-mounted device that is used with radiant tubesto reduce NOX emissions by mixing flue gases with combustion air.It accommodates radiant tube diameters of 102 – 152 mm (4 – 6inches). E-Jector is frequently used with Eclipse Bayonet-stylerecuperators...
- Type: FGR device
- Number of sizes: (102 – 152 mm) 4– 6″
- Capacity range: max. 132 kW
- Max. process temperature: 760 ℃
PrimeFire 100
Oxyfuel Burners and Burners Used in the Glass IndustryThe PrimeFire 100 oxygen-fuel burner has become an industrystandard for glass furnace applications. It provides improvedrefractory life and reduced melting costs. The burner produces aconical-shaped flame and has multiple-fuel capabilities, fromnatural...
- Type: Oxygen-fuel/Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 4
- Capacity range: 270 – 5300 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1650 ℃
- Flame shape: Conical-adjustable
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, fueloil
PrimeFire 300
Oxyfuel Burners and Burners Used in the Glass IndustryThe PrimeFire 300 burner for glass furnaces creates a fan-shapedflame with low momentum, which creates a lower peak flametemperature. This results in lower operating crown temperaturesand lower volatile transport rates. The flame shape can be adjustedto...
- Type: Oxygen-fuel/Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 3
- Capacity range: 530 – 2130 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1650 ℃
- Flame shape: Flat-adjustable
- Fuels: Natural gas, fueloil
PrimeFire 400
Oxyfuel Burners and Burners Used in the Glass IndustryPrimeFire 400 oxygen-fuel burner creates a fan-shaped flamegeometry. The burner mixes a portion of the combustion oxygenwith the fuel stream, causing gas cracking. This produces freecarbon particles that increase flame luminosity which improves theradiant...
- Type: Oxygen-fuel/Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 4
- Capacity range: 530 – 5300 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1650 ℃
- Flame shape: Flat-adjustable
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, fueloil
Oxyfuel Burners and Burners Used in the Glass Industry
BrightFire® 200 is an adjustable, low NOX, airfuel burner,compatible with regenerative glass furnaces. The burner providessuperior flame adjustability by splitting the gas inside the burnerinto two independently variable gas flows. This allows increasedflexibility...
- Type: Side port, under port,regenerative
- Capacity range: 2670 – 8270 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1650 ℃
- Flame shape: Conical
- Fuels: Natural gas, fueloil
Oxyfuel Burners and Burners Used in the Glass IndustryLow NOX WGD burners are compact, watercooled through-portburners designed to be inserted into the port neck of regenerativeglass furnaces. Using a unique arrangement of converging flat jetnozzles, the burner produces a flat, fan-shaped luminous flame.This...
- Type: Throughport; regenerative
- Capacity range: 2000 – 12.200 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1650 ℃
- Flame shape: Conical
- Fuels: Natural gas
Oxyfuel Burners and Burners Used in the Glass IndustryThe 04V is an adjustable air-gas nozzle-mixing burner, suitable forglass furnace applications ranging from small glass day tanks, floatglass furnace working ends, refiners and distributors, to large multi-burner recuperative furnaces. 04V burners can...
- Type: Recuperative
- Capacity range: 270 – 2670 kW
- Max. process temperature: 1650 ℃
- Flame shape: Conical
- Fuels: Natural gas, fueloil
AirHeat v1
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.AirHeat v1 is a compact modular burner, designed to generate alarge volume of clean hot air for a wide range of industrial heatingapplications. All standard models feature an integrated combustionair blower mounted on the burner’s steel case. By supplying...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range:260 kW/300 mm
- Turndown: 40:1
- Max. process temperature: 815 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane
AirHeat v2
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.AirHeat v2 is a completely packaged line burner. Applicationsinclude ovens, driers, fume incinerators and similar industrialequipment. This burner provides simple, reliable operations, pluslower CO emissions than other competitive air heating burners....
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range:260 kW/300 mm
- Turndown: 40:1
- Max. process temperature: 815 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.
RatioStar is a modular duct burner designed with on-ratio controlfor direct fired air heating applications. Burners are configured inrows of up to 24 modules. Propagation modules connect individualburner rows to provide cross ignition. This modular design...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range:125 kW/150 mm
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 750 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.The Minnox burner design utilizes a premixed gas/air mixture withexcess air. The result is a cooler flame which produces a very lowNOX discharge. The recirculating flame geometry acts tosignificantly reduce CO emissions. Minnox systems are typicallysupplied...
- Type: Premix
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range:125 kW/150 mm
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 800 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane
Linnox ULE
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.Linnox ULE is designed for use in any direct or indirect fired airheating application requiring excellent heat distribution,temperature uniformity, low emissions and simple robust controls.Burner operation is based on a high excess air pre-mix combustionthat...
- Type: Premix
- Number of sizes: 12/Modular
- Capacity range: 24-720 kW/300 mm
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 800 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.AH-MA is a line-type burner, ideal for heating fresh air in make-upand process air heating applications. The burner operates over awide range of velocities, inputs and fuels. AH-MA produces auniform, odourless, smokeless flame, while optimizing emissionsand...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range: 350 kW/300 mm
- Turndown: 30:1
- Max. process temperature: 450 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.FlueFire is an in-duct burner designed for supplemental firing incogeneration and combinedcycle installations. The burner is alsosuitable for fresh air operation or incineration applications. TheFlueFire takes its oxygen requirement from the turbine exhaustgases....
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range: 350 kW/150 mm
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 1200 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Strip Air Heaters and Duct Burners.InciniFume is a modular in-duct burner. The burner uses theoxygen within the exhaust flow to complete the combustionprocess. The short flame and uniform temperature distributionmake it ideal for a variety of industrial processes requiring largeheat inputs...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: Modular
- Capacity range: 250 kW/300 mm
- Turndown: 10:1
- Max. process temperature: 950 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Air Heating Burners.RatioMatic is a packaged air heating burner that features simpleoperation and robust, reliable performance. The ratio regulator anddirect drive air butterfly valve simplify start-up and adjustment. Thefast mixing nozzle provides clean, stable flame at...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 14
- Capacity range: 135 – 8000 kW
- Turndown: 21:1 ila 100:1
- Max. process temperature: 1038 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Air Heating Burners.Winnox is designed to comply with global emissions regulations.Easy to set up and operate, the low NOX Winnox burner is ideal forair heating and oven applications. Winnox features an intense,short, swirled flame that is completely contained within the...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 8
- Capacity range: 147 – 3330 kW
- Turndown: 7:1 ila 17:1
- Max. process temperature: 982 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Air Heating Burners.ThermAir is a nozzle-mixing burner with a packaged air blower thatis designed to fire with fixed combustion air over a wide turndownrange. The burner is simple to set up and adjust. ThermAir burnersare ideal on heaters, textile ovens and in situations...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 9
- Capacity range: 40 – 1340 kW
- Turndown: 30:1
- Max. process temperature: 1038 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane,landfill gas, LCV gas
Air Heating Burners.RatioAir is a premium air heating burner ideally suited forapplications that require a velocity burner with an integratedpackaged blower and ratio control. RatioAir burners can deliverflame speeds of up to 150 m/s (500 ft/s) to deliver improvedtemperature...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Boy sayısı: 11
- Capacity range: 71 – 5330 kW
- Turndown: 30:1
- Max. process temperature: 1538 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane,landfill gas, LCV gas
Air Heating Burners.Incini-Cone burners are designed for fume incineration and theafter-heating of exhaust from turbines, driers, ovens and similarequipment. The burner is mounted in the exhaust duct and requiresthe exhaust stream to supply all of the oxygen needed forcomplete...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 9
- Capacity range: 400 – 8600 kW
- Turndown: 26:1
- Max. process temperature: 900 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane,2 numara fueloil
Air Heating Burners.Completely pre-assembled and pre-wired burner packages basedon either RatioMatic, RatioAir or ThermAir with mounted fan, gassafety and control system and automatic burner control unit forapplications in industry. Thanks to their compact design, bothconversion...
RatioMatic HeatPak RMHP
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 200 – 1100 kW
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
RatioAir HeatPak RAHP
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 100 – 900 kW
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
ThermAir HeatPak TAHP
- Number of sizes: 6
- Capacity range: 100 – 1045 kW
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Immersion Tube BurnersImmersoJet is a nozzle-mixing, tube-firing burner designed to fireat high velocities through a small diameter immersion tube inimmersion heating tanks. The combustion gases from the burnerscrub the inner tube surfaces to produce a high heat transfer rateand...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 5
- Capacity range: 51 – 2130 kW
- Turndown: Min. 7:1
- Max. process temperature: 900 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Immersion Tube BurnersThe ImmersoPak burner is ideal for heating immersion tubes oncleaning tanks, spray washers, salt baths, quenching tanks,tempering tanks, asphalt tanks and similar equipment. Immerso-Pak is easy to install, simple to operate, and offers durability andlong...
- Type: Nozzle-mixing
- Number of sizes: 6
- Capacity range: 72 – 1090 kW
- Turndown: En az 4,5:1
- Max. process temperature: 900 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Indirect Air HeatersIndirect Air Heaters RHT are designed to heat recirculating ovensand driers where the products of combustion must be isolatedfrom the process air stream. They are also excellent for use inindustrial space heating systems. The firing chamber and exhausttubes...
- Type: Indirect air heaters
- Number of sizes: 9
- Capacity range: 50 – 800 kW
- Max. process temperature: 290 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
Indirect Air HeatersIndirect Air Heaters ER are ideal for heating and drying applicationsrequiring contaminant-free process air. Typical applications includepharmaceutical spray driers, chemical driers and drying ovens. Inaddition, component options are available to meet...
- Type: Indirect air heaters
- Number of sizes: 9
- Capacity range: 240 – 4560 kW
- Max. process temperature: 420 ℃
- Fuels: Natural gas, propane, butane
- Capacity range: 3 kW
- Gas types: Natural gas, propane;other gases on request
ZMI 16
- Capacity range: 1 – 2 kW
ZMI 25
- Capacity range: 2,5 – 4 kW
- Gas types: Natural gas, propane,coke oven gas.
- Capacity range: 2 – 7 kW
Doğal gaz için
- Capacity range: max. 5 kW
- Gas types: Natural gas, propane,coke oven gas.
- Capacity range: 20 – 40 kW
- Gas types: Natural gas, propane,coke oven gas.
Burner Nozzles
Open Burner NozzlesSmall burners for use in groups to heat a wide area. For use as pipeburners with pre-mixed air/ gas.
- Type: Premix
- Number of sizes: 4
- Capacity range: 0,8 – 2,9 kW
Sticktite Burner Nozzles
Open Burner NozzlesOpen-type burner nozzle with built-in flame retention. For use withair/gas mixers.
- Type: Premix
- Number of sizes: 10
- Capacity range: 0,8 – 2,9 kW
Ferrofix Burner Nozzles
Open Burner NozzlesOpen-type burner nozzle with built-in flame retention. For use withair/gas mixers.
- Type: Premix
- Number of sizes: 13
- Capacity range: 0,8 – 2,9 kW
Thermal Pilot BurnersFor safe ignition and thermoelectric safeguarding in conjunctionwith control valve S11T of gas burners in applications withoutvoltage supply. Atmospheric pilot burner.
- Capacity range: 1 kW
- Gas types: Natural gas, LPG, cokeoven gas.
ZT 40
Thermal Pilot BurnersFor safe ignition and thermoelectric safeguarding in conjunctionwith control valve S11T of gas burners in applications withoutvoltage supply. ZT 40..A: atmospheric, ZT 40../100: with forced air supply.
- Capacity range: 1 kW
- Gas types: Natural gas, LPG, cokeoven gas.
U2-101xS Combination Viewing Head and Signal Processor
Electrodes and Ignition TransformersU2-S Model Combination Viewing Head and SignalProcessor The Honeywell U2-101xS series all-in-one viewing head withintegrated signal processor delivers flame discrimination in thetoughest environments. With automatic set-up and the abilityto monitor UV...
KFM, RFM Pressure Gauges
AccessoriesPressure gauges Pressure gauges with capsule element or Bourdon tube aremechanical pressure measuring instruments with spring-loadedmeasuring elements.
- Overpressure-proof
- High indicating accuracy
- Zero point correction
- Certification: CE, EAC
AccessoriesManual cock DH, pressure gauge shut-off valve MH positive pressure protection for pressure gauges UDS for protecting a pressure gauge against pressure fluctuations,for gas and air.
GEHV, GEH, LEH Flow Adjusting Cocks
AccessoriesFlow adjusting cocks GEHV The flow adjusting cock GEHV is used for flow rateadjustment in laboratories and test systems, and wherever flowrates have to be frequently readjusted. GEH 8 to 25 Thanks toflow adjusting cocks GEH 8 to 25, the gas flow rate...
- Precise adjustment of gas and airflow rates
- Various setting options using handwheel or tools
- GEHV: accurate adjustment thanks toreduction of rotary movement
- Certification: CE, EAC
MBO Orifice
AccessoriesOrifice assemblies MBO e.g. for measurement of gas flow rates on burners BBG, madeof heat-resistant stainless steel, for fitting between two flanges,MBO with orifice diameter according to customer requirementswithout flow rate curve, drilling tolerance...
EKO, ES Stainless Steel Flexible Tubes
AccessoriesStainless steel bellows units EKO Stainless steel flexibletubes ES EKO The stainless steel bellows unit EKO is designed for stress-free and safe pipe installation and to prevent transmission ofvibration in gas, air and water installations. ES The stainlesssteel...
- Stainless steel bellows units EKO
- Fault-free machine operation due toabsorption of thermal and pressureexpansions
- High bursting resistance due tomultiple-layer bellows
- Axial and lateral movementabsorption
- Stainless steel flexible tubes ES
- Protection from material fatiguethanks to vibration absorption
- Angular and lateral movementabsorption
- Compensation for installationtolerances due to optional lengths
- Certification: CE, EAC
- Short installation length
- Robust design
- Low opening pressures
- Installation in any position
- DIN-DVGW tested and registered
- Certification: CE, EAC
Gas Trains
ProductionWe manufacture gas pressure reduction, control, and safety trains used in aluminum, steel, ceramics, glass, and other industrial plants at our İzmit facility. These trains, which use Kromschröder devices for pressures up to 4 bar, are custom-sized according...
DM, DE Flow Meters
AccessoriesFlow meters Flow meters DM and DE measure the gas and air volumes onconsumer equipment. They are typically used for the internalbilling of consumption in industrial installations, laboratoriesand test rigs, and in particular for checking and adjustingburners...
- Flow meters for gas with short,compact aluminium housing
- Measurement of the current flowrate (DE) and the quantity consumed(DM, DE)
- M-BUS interface (DE)
- Large measuring range
- Little servicing required
- EC type-tested and certified
- Certification: CE
Natural Gas Combustion Systems
ProductionÖnder Engineering offers comprehensive services for industrial furnace and combustion system manufacturing. We assist in selecting the right burners tailored to your system’s specific needs, and provide expert design for control systems and panels...
DMG Electronic Pressure Gauge
AccessoriesElectronic pressure gauge Pressure gauges DMG S2610 and DMG S2601 measurenegative pressure, positive pressure and differential pressure ofnon-aggressive, gaseous media and are used for mobilemeasurements in industry as well as in medical and air-conditioning...
- Ergonomically designed, lightweight,handheld measuring instrument
- Suitable for use throughout theworld due to its pressure unit selectionfeature
- Convenient measurement withautomatic value resolution
- For industrial use with a robustprotective sleeve and sealed key pad
- TÜV tested and approved to FirstOrdinance on the Implementation of theFederal Immission Control Act (1.BImSchV)/EN 50379-2 for officialmeasurements
- Certification: CE, Gosstandart
Hot Air Generators
ProductionAccording to the process requirements, direct or indirect hot air generators are manufactured to communicate with your PLC systems. The generators designed with Kromschröder and Eclipse brands’ burners and components based on your flow rate and...
Tundish Heating Systems
ProductionIn the steel industry, Tundish (Tandiş) is designed with brands such as Kromschröder and Eclipse. We can integrate combustion systems into your constructions and, upon request, manufacture including construction and hydraulic components. #gallery-4...
Horizontal Ladle Heating System
ProductionWe design combustion systems for horizontal and vertical ladle heating / drying systems used in the iron and steel industry with Honeywell Kromschröder and Eclipse burners specific to your process. Upon your request, we manufacture the combustion system...
Vertical Ladle Heating System
ProductionWe design combustion systems for horizontal and vertical ladle heating / drying systems used in the iron and steel industry with Honeywell Kromschröder and Eclipse burners specific to your process. Upon your request, we manufacture the combustion system...
Biogas Flares
ProductionTo meet the country’s energy demands, numerous biogas and syngas plants are being established. These plants produce combustible gases from organic waste through biological and chemical processes. The gases are then converted into electricity using generators...
Control Panels
ProductionWe design and manufacture conventional or PLC automated systems and panels that efficiently control your combustion process in accordance with Turkish and European safety directives. Control panels produced with modern and high quality components, especially...
Radiant Tubes
ProductionIn indirectly heated furnaces and plants, we design and manufacture metallic radiant tubes in types such as U, W, P, I, which are required for plug-in recuperative burners, tailored to your facility’s needs. For more information on ceramic radiant...
Recuperators and Ejectors
ProductionOur recuperators, meticulously manufactured using precision casting and gas shielded welding methods, have a wide range of applications worldwide. These recuperators, produced based on drawings, are made in strict adherence to high quality and precision...
Burner Electrodes
ProductionWe are always at your service for electrode spares made from the correct conductive and insulator materials, tailored to the drawings of industrial burners. The electrodes manufactured at our İzmit facility are delivered in a short period of time.
Metal Parts
ProductionWe are at your service for all types of metal parts and constructions based on your technical drawings and material selections. Our skilled and certified production team, working in accordance with ISO 9001 quality standards, offers both machining and...
FMS Micro Ammeter
AccessoriesDC micro-ammeter for flame signal measurement, also suitablefor single-electrode operation
ZTI 55
Thermal Pilot BurnersFor safe ignition and thermoelectric safeguarding in conjunctionwith control valve S11T of gas burners in applications withoutvoltage supply. Atmospheric pilot burner with ionization electrode.
With natural gas
- Capacity range: 3,3 kW
With LPG
- Güç aralığı: 2,5 kW
With town gas
- Güç aralığı: 2,3 kW
Gaz türleri: Doğal gaz, LPG, kok gazı.
Control Valves S11T
Thermal Pilot BurnersThe control valve S11T operates independently of the mains powersupply. The control valve S11T..S is also available with a switch tocontrol an ignition transformer.
Inlet pressure: max. 1500 mbar.