
DMG Electronic Pressure Gauge


Electronic pressure gauge
Pressure gauges DMG S2610 and DMG S2601 measurenegative pressure, positive pressure and differential pressure ofnon-aggressive, gaseous media and are used for mobilemeasurements in industry as well as in medical and air-conditioning engineering. The pressure gauge DMG S2601 isused for pressure measurements of up to ±150 mbar. It is anideal aid for adjusting burners, e.g. to check the burnerpressure and the gas/air ratio. DMG S2610 can be used forpressure measurements of up to ±1 bar, e.g. for tightness testsin pipes.

  • Ergonomically designed, lightweight,handheld measuring instrument
  • Suitable for use throughout theworld due to its pressure unit selectionfeature
  • Convenient measurement withautomatic value resolution
  • For industrial use with a robustprotective sleeve and sealed key pad
  • TÜV tested and approved to FirstOrdinance on the Implementation of theFederal Immission Control Act (1.BImSchV)/EN 50379-2 for officialmeasurements
  • Certification: CE, Gosstandart

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