Burner control unit for PROFIBUS-DP
BCU 460..B1, BCU 460..L..B1, BCU 465..L..B1 and BCU 480..B1correspond to the standard version in terms of their scope offunctions and performance and, in addition, they can beequipped for connection to the PROFIBUS-DP fieldbus (seeTechnical Information bulletin BCU 460, BCU 465 and brochureBCU). The conventional wide-spread systems used in industrialfurnace and kiln construction require bridging of largedistances for signal processing. As a standardised fieldbussystem, the PROFIBUS-DP considerably reduces development,installation and commissioning costs compared to conventionalwiring. The use of a standard bus system offers massivebenefits over manufacturer-specific bespoke solutions. Time-tested hardware components, standardised connectionmethods and a series of tools of bus diagnostics andoptimisation are available on the market from a whole range ofmanufacturers. The widespread use of the system ensures thatthe planning and service personnel are very familiar with howthe system operates and how to handle it and can thereforeoperate the system efficiently.
- Easy transmission of activationsignals and feedbacks via fieldbus cable
- Remote servicing and diagnosticsfacilities
- Saves installation and wiring costs
- Units can be exchanged during busmode operation thanks to industrialplug connector system (SUB-D)
- Bus interface remains in operationwhen BCU® is switched off (standbymode)
- Certification for PROFIBUS-DP
- Certification: AGA, CSA, FM, CE