Pressure Regulators

GIKH Variable Air/Gas Ratio Controls


Variable air/gas ratio controls
The variable air/gas ratio control GIKH serves to maintain aconstant gas/air pressure ratio and to control the gas pressurein systems using a recuperative air preheating system. Whenthe burner capacity is changed and with varying combustion airtemperature, the gas pressure is controlled such that the ratio(gas to cold air) remains constant. For use in systems usingpreheated air in the iron, steel, glass and ceramics industries, aswell as in commercial heat generation, such as the packaging,paper and foodstuffs industries.

  • For maintaining a constant mixtureof gas and air on systems usingpreheated air
  • Design with inlet pressurecompensation diaphragm ensures highcontrol accuracy
  • Adjustment of the gas flow to the airflow that varies due to the heating ofthe combustion air
  • Variable air/gas ratio controls withdifferential pressure measuring unit forthe control pressure
  • Wide control range
  • EC type-tested and certified
  • Certification: EAC, CE

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