Valves and Butterfly Valves



Butterfly valves with actuator
The butterfly valves are designed to adjust volumes of gas, coldand hot air and flue gas on various appliances and flue gaslines. They are designed for control ratios up to 1:10, and withthe mounted actuator they are suitable for regulating flow ratesfor modulating-controlled or stage-controlled combustionprocesses. BVG, BVA: BVG for gas, BVA for air. These butterflyvalves BVG..H, BVA..H can also be supplied with manualadjustment. Butterfly valves BVG, BVGF, BVA and BVAF withreduced nominal diameter (reduced by one or two nominalsizes) can be used to achieve higher control accuracy. This willmean that complex reducing fittings will no longer be required.Various adapter sets with square shaft, free shaft end or leverare available as accessories. Flow rates can be set and fixedusing a lever, for example to limit the high-fire rate on theburner. A scale indicates the set angle of opening. BVGF, BVAF:Butterfly valves BVGF and BVAF work clearance-free. In case ofchange of direction, the butterfly valve adjusts to the setpointwithout delay. The butterfly valve thus reaches the requiredposition more quickly. BVH, BVHR, BVHS, BVHM: Butterfly valvefor hot air and flue gas. The butterfly valve BVH, BVHR, BVHS isused for processes that require the very precise adjustment ofthe flow rate or low leakage. In conjunction with the stop bar,the valve disc ensures very low leakage rates. Using a spiralspring which compensates for the play in combination with theactuator IC 40, it is possible to move the valve disc to therequired angle with almost zero hysteresis. BVHS: The butterflyvalve BVHS with safety closing function is used with theactuator IC 40S in systems where it is important that in theevent of a mains voltage failure, the valve closes, preventing airstreaming into the furnace without being under control. Inorder to maximize the service life of the butterfly valve, thesafety closing function should be used only for the scheduledclosing function and not for controlled shut-down or forintermittent switching of the burner. BVH, BVHR: Butterfly valveBVH is suitable for applications up to 450°C. The BVHR can beused at a medium temperature of up to 550°C. BVHM: Butterflyvalve BVHM is used in intermittent mode. Solenoid actuator MB7 is available as an actuator for the BVHM. IBG, IBGF, IBA, IBAF,IBH, IBHR, IBHS: Butterfly valves BVG, BVGF, BVA, BVAF, BVH,BVHR or BVHS and actuator IC 20 or 40 can be delivered readyassembled as butterfly valves with actuator IBG, IBGF, IBA, IBAF,IBH, IBHR or IBHS.

  • For gas, air, hot air and flue gas
  • Low leakage rate and pressure loss
  • High control accuracy
  • BVG, BVGF, BVA, BVAF, IBG, IBGF, IBAor IBAF with reduced nominal diameters
  • Butterfly valves available withmounted actuator
  • Suitable for intermittent operation
  • BVGF, BVAF, IBGF, IBAF workclearance-free
  • Low-maintenance operation
  • BVHR can be used in temperaturesof up to 550°C
  • Certification: EAC, CE

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