The actuators are designed for all applications that requireprecise, controlled rotary movement between 0° and 90°. In Inconjunction with a control element, they are suitable forregulating flow rates on gas and air appliances for modulatingor stage-controlled combustion processes. In addition tosetting the Min. and Max. positions using infinitely adjustableswitching cams, floating limit switches mean that additionalswitching positions such as for ignition and high-fire ratepositions can be set. A standard Service switch allows thedevice to be switched from Automatic to Manual mode and aposition indicator which can be read from the outsidedrastically simplifies the commissioning procedure. IC 20, IC 30and IC 50 are controlled by a three-point step signal. IC 20..Eand IC 50..E can also be controlled by a continuous signal. IC 30is suitable for 24 V DC applications. An integrated feedbackpotentiometer offers the option of monitoring the currentposition of the actuator. This checking function can be used inautomation processes. IC 20..E, IC 50..E: The behaviour of theactuator, e.g. if the input signal falls below the minimum limit inthe event of cable discontinuity, can be set using DIP switches.Fluctuations or interference in the input signal are suppressedby an adjustable potentiometer. In the case of continuouscontrol, the input signal can be adapted to the minimum andmaximum adjustment angles manually or automatically. Thiscalibration process can be visualized using LEDs. Thecontinuous signal offers the option of monitoring the currentposition of the actuator. IC 20: The actuator IC 20 can bemounted directly onto the butterfly valves BVG, BVGF, BVA,BVAF, BVH or BVHS. The combination is designed for controlratios up to 10:1. Actuator IC 20 and linear flow control VFC canbe delivered ready assembled. The combination is designed forcontrol ratios up to 25:1. IC 30: Actuator IC 30 can be used asan actuator for linear flow control VFC. The IC 30, linear flowcontrol VFC and the adapter set are not assembled on delivery.This combination is designed for a control ratio of up to 25:1.Actuator IC 30 can be used as an actuator for butterfly valvesBVA and BVG. An adapter set must be used for assembly. TheIC 30, butterfly valve BVA/BVG and the adapter set are notassembled on delivery. This combination is designed for acontrol ratio of up to 10:1. IC 50: is designed for applicationswith high torques of up to 30 Nm. Actuator IC 50 and butterflyvalve DKR are also delivered ready assembled up to nominalsize 300. The direction of rotation of the valve disc can beswitched. The valve disc position can be read from the outsidewhereby the direction of rotation is indicated using a colourcode. Depending on the application, the actuator can bealigned to the butterfly valve using various attachment sets.
- Easy to switch between Automaticand Manual mode
- Position indicator that can be readexternally
- Three-point step control
- IC 20..E and IC 50..E also forcontinuous control
- IC 20..E, IC 50..E with electronicpositioning function
- IC 20 and IC 50 can be deliveredready installed on control element
- IC 20, IC 50: adjustable motorbehaviour in the event of cablediscontinuity, for example
- Certification: EAC, CE