Pressure regulators with solenoid valve
Regulators with solenoid valves are designed for shutoff, andthanks to the servo technology, for precise control of the gassupply to gas burners and gas appliances. They are used in gascontrol and safety systems in all sectors of the iron, steel, glassand ceramics industries, as well as in residential or commercialheat generation, such as the packaging, paper and foodstuffsindustries. VAD: Constant pressure governor, Class A, with highcontrol accuracy, for excess air burners, atmospheric burners orsingle-stage forced draught burners. Pressure preset viasetpoint spring. In the case of fluctuating furnace or kilnpressures, the furnace chamber pressure may also beconnected for maintaining a constant burner capacity. VAG:Air/gas ratio control, Class A, for maintaining a constant air/gaspressure ratio for modulating-controlled burners or with VAS 1bypass valve for stage-controlled burners. Pressure preset bythe air control line. The VAG..N can also be used as a zerogovernor for gas engines. VAH, VRH: Flow rate regulators VAHand VRH are used to maintain a constant gas/air ratio formodulating-controlled and stage-controlled burners. The gasflow rate is controlled proportionally to the air flow rate. Inaddition, flow rate regulator VAH is designed as a gas solenoidvalve and shuts off the gas or air supply safely. VAV Variableair/gas ratio control, Class A, for maintaining a constant gas/airpressure ratio for modulating-controlled burners. Pressurepreset by the air control line. The ratio of gas pressure to airpressure remains constant. It can be set from 0.6:1 to 3:1.Pressure fluctuations in the combustion chamber can becompensated via the combustion chamber control pressure. VCD, VCG, VCV, VCH: Pressure regulators with double solenoidvalve
- All-purpose servo regulator forgaseous media with integrated safetyvalve
- Suitable for a max. inlet pressure of500 mbar (7 psig)
- Minimum installation effort: noexternal impulse line required
- Setting options from two sides
- Certification: EAC, CE